On January 7, 2025, a M6.8 earthquake struck western China with epicenter at Dingri, Tibet. It was reported as a M6.8 event, epicenter at 28.50°N, 87.45°E, with a depth of 10 km (from China Earthquake Networks Center, CENC, webservice).
The dataset is continuous waveform data recorded by broadband seismometer and strong-motion accelerometer in 33 stations, from Jan 7, 00:00 UTC to Jan 9, 00:00 UTC, covered the time span of M6.8 Dingri earthquake. The 33 stations are constituted of 10 China Digital Seismic Network Stations, and 23 cooperative operation stations deployed by Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration.
The raw data is archived as Miniseed file, in its original waveform and sampling rates, while station metadata is stored in accompanying dataless files.
This rapidly generated emergency dataset aims to provide immediate data support for researchers focusing on the Dingri earthquake, enabling timely seismic analysis and insights.
Wang, Shuguang Earthquake Science Data Center, Institute of Geophysics, China Earhtquake Administration
Li, Li Earthquake Science Data Center, Institute of Geophysics, China Earhtquake Administration
Ning, Shuoxian Earthquake Science Data Center, Institute of Geophysics, China Earhtquake Administration
Tian, Xin Earthquake Science Data Center, Institute of Geophysics, China Earhtquake Administration
Xu, Feng Earthquake Science Data Center, Institute of Geophysics, China Earhtquake Administration
International Earthquake Science Data Center (IEC)
Figure1 Distribution of seismic stations. The red dot is epicenter of M6.8 Dingri earthquake. Triangle symbols are stations, different colors stand for different networks(blue is AM, green is PK, yellow is NP, orange is MG, and black is CDSN).
Figure2. Three component seismometer data of station PK.JUML. (a) Waveform of M6.8 Dingri earthquake. (b) Waveform of M3.3 event occurred at 00:11:46 UTC (reported by China Earthquake Network Center).